Product Overview

Cigars made from whole tobacco leaves come in various sizes and shapes and are smoked in style by cigar buffs. To improve convenience in their packaging, we offer custom cardboard cigar boxes in accurate sizes and shapes and captivating designs using modern printing methods. Our premium quality materials for blank cardboard cigar boxes contain enough strength and thickness to retain the quality of cigars and shield cigars from damaging factors. The prices we offer do not burden your pocket, and our free shipping takes your shipping cost worry away from you. Call us to ORDER NOW!

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cardboard cigar boxes

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Let Your Cigars Speak for Themselves in Premium Cardboard Cigar Boxes

Elevate your smoke using cigar boxes made from cardboard featuring the below-listed elements.

  • Made from high-quality cardboard materials to ensure durability and sustainability while preserving the quality of cigars.
  • Customizable in different sizes, shapes, colors, and designs fit to pack cigars.
  • Printed with high-quality printing techniques.


The standard size of a cardboard cigar box varies depending on the number of cigars to be held. However, we can manufacture these boxes in custom sizes according to your requirements.

Transform Your Cigar Presentation Using Cardboard Cigar Boxes

A well-designed custom box with cigars makes your cigars look more organized, appealing, and luxurious before cigar enthusiasts. Using these boxes is sure to add value to your cigars. When customers look at the cigar box made from cardboard, they look at its display and observe how well they are showcased. Our empty cardboard cigar boxes can help to keep your cigars in order and offer a stunning presentation that can make them stand out on the shelves. These boxes can also be excellent when you want to present cigars as a gift to your dear ones. You can customize these cigar boxes in your own way with exclusive designs and elements for a lavish gifting experience. Not only this. Adding finishing touches, wax seals, or metallic closures can elevate the display of your cigar boxes. So you have got plentiful options to showcase your cigars in these boxes.

Role of Empty Cardboard Boxes in Cigar Preservation

Protecting cigars from various factors, including environmental or external damage, is crucial. Our custom cardboard cigar boxes, made from the highest-quality materials, are sturdy, provide a protective enclosure for cigars, and safeguard them from physical damage like crushing or accidental drops. To prevent excess moisture, these cigar boxes contain natural properties that help regulate humidity levels and offer an optimal environment to store cigars. They prevent cigars from becoming dry or too moist, affecting their quality.

Personalize Your Puff Customizing Cardboard Cigar Boxes For Every Taste

At Custom Product Packaging, we offer boundless customization options for your cigar boxes to meet your cigar brand needs and preferences for cigar enthusiasts. We customize cigar and blank cigarette boxes in custom sizes and shapes to comfortably accommodate different-sized cigars. These custom dimensions and shapes allow flexibility in creating attractive designs and functionality. You can personalize these boxes with custom labels, logos, artwork, and personalized messages to create visually appealing packaging for cigars. For finishes, embossing, debossing, foil stamping, and other special features are available. The latest printing techniques we use provide the ultimate printing results. Another style for customization is here. Incorporating a window cutout on blank cardboard cigar boxes allows customers to see cigars and judge the quality without opening the box.

Order Bulk Cardboard Cigar Boxes At Wholesale Rates

Offering quality packaging at the most affordable prices with a free shipping facility sets Custom Product Packaging apart from its rivals. The best thing about our services is not compromising on quality at a budget-friendly price. Our low pricing cardboard cigar boxes wholesale offer cigar brands to get these boxes designed using the highest-quality materials and finishing touches printed with modern printing methods. To place an order, simply drop us an email at to enjoy reasonable prices, free design support, and a shipping facility.


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Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

You can customize the design of these boxes with logos, artwork, text, colors, and cigar-themed options.

Absolutely! Personalized touches on these boxes make a thoughtful and luxurious gift for cigar enthusiasts.

These boxes are printed using offset printing and digital printing methods.

Of course, we offer discounts for ordering larger quantities.

Our shipping and delivery is free.

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Don't just imagine – experience excellence up close, as you can check our superior craftsmanship before making your decision by ordering your sample kit.
