Cigar Boxes

Our cigar boxes provide protection to your cigars with style. These boxes help keep your cigars fresh and offer a premium presentation to the customers.

cigar boxes

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Product Overview

Cigars are sensitive smoking items that need the type of packaging that offers sufficient protection and an aesthetically appealing look for showcasing on retail shelves. Our cigar boxes with rigid side walls offer a premium display, an elegant and stylish look, and the utmost safety. At Custom Product Packaging, we have an extensive range of designs that not only pop up on retail shelves and preserve cigars' aroma but also provide a mesmerizing unboxing experience to buyers.

cigar boxes cigar boxes wholesale custom cigar boxes single cigar box
cigar boxes

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Need to enhance product appeal, increase sales rates, and create a lasting impression of your brand.

Our cigar boxes, equipped with the following qualities, offer ideal solutions to captivate onlookers with their irresistible presentation and demonstrate professionalism in association with your business.

  • Durable, lightweight, and eco-friendly.
  • Highest strength-to-weight ratio.
  • Give it a stylish and unique look.
  • Boost brand identity and multiply brand fame.
  • Easy to assemble, stack, and convenient reopening for cigar removal.
  • Customizable to your specifications.


The standard size for custom cigar boxes is 8 inches by 7 inches by 1.25 inches. Our professional designers can make custom cigar packaging suitable for your product needs and brand preferences.

Deliver the Fragrant Flavour of Cigars with Quality Cigar Boxes

If a smoker receives orderless, wet, or smashed cigars, then he will never buy the cigar from that brand and will leave bad reviews and abandon their fellows to prefer this brand in the market. Hence, our premium-quality cigar boxes are perfect for preserving flavor, fragrant aroma, and tobacco quality until the last puff. You can get custom cigar boxes wholesale at affordable prices, ensure the safe delivery of cigars to buyers' hands, and surprise them with a world-class quality and premium aroma that you have infused to be identical and unique in the smoking industry. We use compartments and wrapping paper to prevent moisture, dust, and environmental pollution from entering. With our cigar box, you can physically structure and protect cigars from internal and external hazards and wow buyers during mesmerizing unboxing with the enchanting aroma rising from cigar tobacco.

Provide Unforgatebale Unxoing with Alluring Styles in Cigar Boxes

Our extensive range of styles gives you the freedom to choose styles that are suitable for your brand. We allow you to dive into the sea of styles and find your perfect fit that not only gives an enchanting appearance to your cigar but also provides the ease to draw out cigars again and again. We have a number of alluring styles, some of which are as follows:

  • Hinged-lid style.
  • Drawer styles.
  • Two-piece style.
  • Flip-top style.
  • Neck box style.
  • Clamshell style.

We use modern die-cutting processes to create scratch-free surfaces that permit digital printing to give a multicolor, unique, and attention-grabbing appearance to cigarette boxes.

Add Flair to Cigar Appeal with Elite Printing and Striking Finishing

No business owner allows their products to languish on the shelves and rust. We have the ideal solution to inject brand essence into product packaging and boost brand awareness among the crowd. Our cigar boxes are printed with a flexographic technique and a branded color scheme that lets your blank cigarette boxes pop up among the crowd and create differentiation among other products on shelves. From embossing logos to adding typographic fonts and branded designs to product recognition details, we have innovative ideas to infuse brand spirit into your cigars, transforming them into walking billboards that promote your brand's awareness.

To create an appealing and pleasing appearance, we customize custom cigar packaging boxes with finishing options that are tailored to your brand preferences, resulting in a sparkling and tantalizing look. We offer the following finishes:

  • Spot UV.
  • Gloss or matte coating.
  • Silver or gold foiling.
  • Aqueous coating.

These coatings provide an exceptional experience, captivating the attention of onlookers and compelling them to choose your cigars over those of competitors. If you want to surprise eco-conscious buyers, we can customize disposable cigarette boxes that are recyclable and allow your brand to stand out in the market due to their unique and identical look. Email us at to get cigar boxes wholesale at affordable prices, along with unlimited discounts.


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Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

The packaging boxes are used to pack, protect, and give an attractive look to the audience. These are called cigar boxes.

They preserve cigar quality for up to six weeks.

Yes, we make 100% recyclable kraft cigar boxes that produce zero pollution in the biodegradation process.

Our cigar packaging is lightweight, cost-effective, and provides full-proof security, as well as an elegant look to entice viewers' eyes.

Indeed, we deliver wholesale price discounts even for low MOQs.

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Don't just imagine – experience excellence up close, as you can check our superior craftsmanship before making your decision by ordering your sample kit.
