Shirt Boxes

Adorable shirt boxes are used to pack your first-rate shirts for your customers. At Custom Product Packaging you can get these boxes made with utmost care and devotion. Advanced manufacturing and high-quality printing and used under this roof to create state-of-the-art packaging boxes for shirts that not only make your brand renowned but also let your product glow against your rival brands with its appealing presentation. We produce these custom shirt boxes at discounted rates in the fastest turnaround time to save you a lot of money and time.

white shirt boxes custom shirt boxes shirt boxes shirt packaging
white shirt boxes

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Be renowned in the market by using our prime boxes

Manufactured with top-notch paper material, we create remarkable shirt boxes for our hundreds of brands that want to gain special treatment in the market regarding trending marketing strategies. With high-end printing and manufacturing techniques, we provide your desired custom shirt boxes in such a manner that they enhance your brand productivity on the shelf and elevate you to heights of glorification.


There is no doubt that we are capable of making any box in any size but the standard size of your premium shirt box is 16” x 12” x 12” which is approx 1.5 cubic feet which is enough for packing small garments like shirts.

Shirt Boxes - An Ideal Way To Promote Your Product

The name of your brand along with the colored logo that we place error-freely on shirt boxes using high-tech printing techniques and coloring schemes like PMS and CMYK make your product packaging a shining star in the market. Information about the product and powerful slogans on these custom shirt boxes play a crucial role in making your product renowned against your competitors.

An Elegant Way Of Presenting Your Product Is Embellished Shirt Packaging

Beautiful graphics, high-end finishing, costing, and lavish foiling that we apply on these boxes make a way towards your brand’s glorification and quick success in terms of generating revenue as these shirt gift boxes encourage impulse buying by attracting customers. We also develop first-class Christmas shirt boxes that are embraced with vigorous thematic images.

Sustainable But Modest White Shirt Boxes To Pack Your Products

By using highly green and recyclable paper materials for manufacturing the shirt gift boxes with lids, we not only save you a lot of time but also the natural environment. All these apparel boxes impact the customers positively and build a sense of trust.

We Are A Proud Business Partner Of Hundreds Of Brands

With us, you can enjoy flaming services like free design assistance for making top-notch wholesale shirt boxes along with other clothing boxes. The customer care department is available for you round the clock to help you and guide you. We offer special discount offers by minimizing our already rates for your shirt boxes wholesale and t-shirt bags.

Approach us by ordering at for premium shirt boxes. content-img

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Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our online creative and support team allows you to order custom boxes with specific design requirements.

Yes, as we have spoken before these boxes are made with resilient material so no doubt they are fit for storage and even for shipping.

Shipping is free for all across the USA and Canada.

Yes, we have all the capabilities to handle any kind of order even hundreds of thousands of pieces.

Of course, we provide your free samples to clear your mind right before ordering without any cost.

Length x Width x Height is the formula for measuring shirt boxes.